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Interview: TWRR (Total WARR)

Hi everyone, Here are the answers of TWRR:

Why "Total Warr"? You guys look so relax in all the pics!

The idea with Total Warr, was to have super dark name and play the sweetest music. We actually found the name before we even start playing music together... we're long time friends and were talking about playing together for a long time. we played in rock and hardcore bands as drummers, so we found it funny to try to write music with instruments we don't play usually (like guitar, synths and vocals)

TWRR has a really famous music in Brazil: "Explanations" plays everyday on the Brazilian TV. How this happened? Did Citroen contact you to make this music or It came before?

Our label HRCLS records is part of an ad company called Havas, it's in the same group and one of their big client is CItroen. not sure how they got in touch with the Brazil, but our song ended up on the ad, and we were super stoked about that ! its crazy to write and record a song at home, and imagine that it's playing on tvs on the other side of the world.

"Remember when MGMT was fun? Total Warr are a bit like that, a fun-again MGMT. Sunday Times" This is the best "intro" I ever saw from a band! I know you guys like The Strokes, MGMT... What else you guys have been listening?

We listen to a lot of stuffs... mostly rock music, US hiphop too, pop music from the 80's / 90's, and some techno too. We also love very chill and sad folk music, sometimes it just feels great to hear a voice and a guitar, nothing else.

-After the awesome "At Least We Had Fun" album, what are the future plans?

Take a nap

-This question is for you both: If you're in a desert, with an old CD player, which band you would like to have a CD?

Nirvana - Nevermind

-Do you have plans to come to Brazil? Can you both tell a tip for the new musicians who are starting with a band?

We'd love to !! So please book us !

A tip ? just play whatever sounds fun and good to your ears.

To listen their last album just click below!

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